Clitocybe Dealtata

Image by Michael Beug

Potential lookalikes for Clitocybe dealtata include:

1. Clitocybe rivulosa: This mushroom, also known as the "fool's funnel," is similar in appearance to Clitocybe dealtata but is typically larger and has a funnel-shaped cap. It also has white gills that become pinkish-brown with age.

2. Galerina marginata: This small mushroom is often mistaken for edible species of mushrooms, but it is toxic and potentially lethal. It has a brown cap with a distinctive striated margin, brownish gills, and a brownish stem.

3. Hypholoma species: There are several Hypholoma species that resemble Clitocybe dealtata. These mushrooms typically have dark gills and a fibrous or scaly stem.


1. Cap: The cap of Clitocybe dealtata is typically 2-7 cm in diameter, with a convex shape when young that flattens out as it matures. It is usually light brown to grayish-brown in color and has a smooth surface.

2. Gills: The gills of Clitocybe dealtata are attached to the stem and are white or cream-colored when young, becoming yellowish or brownish as the mushroom matures. They are relatively widely spaced and have a smooth edge.

3. Stem: The stem of Clitocybe dealtata is typically 3-6 cm tall and 0.5-1 cm thick. It is usually white or cream-colored and has a smooth surface.

4. Spores: The spores of Clitocybe dealtata are elliptical or almond-shaped and measure 5-6 x 3-4 µm. They are white or cream-colored.

5. Habitat: Clitocybe dealtata is typically found growing on the ground in mixed coniferous forests, especially near larch trees.